Power Skating

Registration will ONLY be accepted on or after September 14 @ 12:00pm (noon). The first 25 skaters that register for each class will be accepted.

All Power Skating sessions will start at the Wheat City Kinsmen Arena at 560 Elphinstone Street. We will be returning to the Jack Hamilton when arena upgrades have been completed at the Staples arena.

Classes start October 15th and October 17th.

Please watch our website for further information.

Levels and Fees

  • U7 Level 1 6:00-6:40pm (Initiation Tuesdays) Must be able to skate - TBD
  • U9 Level 1 1/2 6:40-7:20pm (Novice, Tuesdays) - TBD
  • U9 Level 1 1/2 6:00-6:40pm ( Novice, Thursdays) - TBD
  • U11 Level 2 7:20-8:15pm (Atom, Tuesdays) - TBD
  • U11 Level 2 6:40-7:40pm (Atom, Thursdays) - TBD
  • U13 Level 3 7:45-8:45pm (Pee Wee Thursdays) – TBD

An Email will be sent out to all last year’s participants.

Register to receive an email at the bottom of the page.

Though there has been some confusion as to what power skating is. It is not for figure skaters. Power skating was designed to improve and master skating techniques for both hockey and ringette players. It is not a miracle program, like they say what you put in, is what you get out, we cannot expect to take one power skating lesson and then become a superstar, it takes time, practice and dedication to become an excellent skater. Power skating is not only for straight line acceleration, but for all skating skill areas, backward skating, tight glide turns, forward and backward crossovers, are just a few areas we focus on. So the end result of power skating lessons with us means a complete skater in ALL areas.

Todd Liskowich will be handling the Power Skating Program this year. His certification includes: Introduction to Coaching, Development I, Body Checking, NCCP A level, NCCP B level and the CanPower Skating Instructor Certification.

Skaters will use their sticks at every practice.

Register to receive an email at the bottom of the page.

Board of Directors

Registration Procedure

Please register your child in the class you feel is appropriate. The instructor will evaluate all skaters during the first 2 lessons and your child will be put in the proper level. If your child is asked by the instructor to move to another level the move must be made as this is for the child's benefit to be in the proper level. If you are unwilling to move your child your registration will be rejected and your money refunded minus the cancellation fee. No exceptions.

There will be a $30.00 Administration fee charged to anyone that drops out before the start of their session.

  • Fill out one form per skater. Choose ONLY ONE class per skater. If that class is full and there is an opening in the same level on another day you will be contacted.
  • Acceptance is by PayPal/Credit Card ONLY on a first come basis.
  • Registrations will ONLY be accepted on or after September 14, 2024 @ 12:00pm (noon). The first 25 skaters for each class will be accepted.
  • Once a class is full you can register and your name will go on a waiting list (no payment required). Once a spot becomes available you will be contacted and will have to pay at that time.
  • Your Pay Pal reference number will be your confirmation number. No confirmation calls will be made.
  • Cancellation fee - $60.00 will be charged if skater drops out during the first 2 classes. No refund after the 2nd class.
  • Full hockey/ringette equipment is required. Skaters must be 5 years or older and registered on a hockey/ringette team. These classes are to improve skills not learn to skate.
  • All levels have 16 lessons
  • All Power Skating sessions will start at the Wheat City Kinsmen Arena at 560 Elphinstone Street. We will be returning to the Jack Hamilton when arena upgrades have been completed.
  • Classes start October 17th and October 19th


Power Skating Online Registration opens September 14 @ noon

Upcoming Events

  • Oct
    Initiation PS Level 1 6:00-6:40 Novice PS Level 1 1/2 6:40-7:20 Atom PS Level 2 7:20- 8:15
  • Oct
    Novice PS Level 1 1/2 6:00-6:40 Atom PS Level 2 6:40-7:40 Peewee Level 3 7:45-8:45
  • Oct
    Initiation PS Level 1 6:00-6:40 Novice PS Level 1 1/2 6:40-7:20 Atom PS Level 2 7:20- 8:15
  • Oct
    Novice PS Level 1 1/2 6:00-6:40 Atom PS Level 2 6:40-7:40 Peewee Level 3 7:45-8:45